Friday, June 10, 2011

Switzerland: a land of dreams. (Homework 4 - Review)

Usually, when you have enough time and money you need for going on vacation, it is necessary to make a plan. But the place where you want to go, depends on the money and time that you have.

That happened in a small town in Switzerland called Airolo, close to the Alps Mountains, between the German Region and Italy. Airolo is a beautiful small country with only 1500 people, with a lot of very old people; many of them live only with their cat or dog.

It was almost 12 midnight, when we wanted to come back home after having a tasted dinner, a cuple of beers or more, I believed it was a very strange night. When we were going back to the house, located four or six blocks from my swiss friend’s house, something happend.

We started to walk in the right direction, nobody was in the street, only two men with black hats and gray suits. They were just talking, until we passed close to them, as soon as we saw them, they hushed. When we, (my friend and I), were coming close to my friend’s house, everything was ok and calm. It was time to say good bye; my friend stayed in my other friend’s house. In my case, I used to sleep in Valle, the small villa where I was destined to doze case I didn’t have enough time to rest for going to work early in the morning. Eventhough, it wasn’t a business trip, I had to work enough for paying my ticket. I was only 23 years old.

I took vacation from my university to start the journey to the paradise, not a formal job, not credit card, only my passport, my luggage full of beers for my Swiss friends and a few Euros for getting saved.

I started to walk again after saying good bye, alone, walking on the street in the Europe small towns, where there are very undersized sidewalks; I had a preference for strolling on the street. I was sure there were only six blocks away; but after walking about ten minutes I realized I was lost. All houses seemed the same, flower in front, high roofs and many similar boulevards; I pretended to find a rounded fountain in front of the villa, but I was surprised cause I didn’t notice one in the neighborhood.

After walking for a while I found my villa, when I opened the door there was a huge black dog inside. It was the first time I saw him, the dog glanced at me and kept asleep again.

When I got into my room, there was no suitcase, no clothes, nothing a lot, I thought, I was awful, what was happening?, I asked to myself, it could have been a theft. No way, I entered to another room.

After getting to my authentic room, I promised not be dunk anymore in a foreign country.


  1. haha!,I like your story, also I agree you shouldn´t drink to much alcohol when you are traveling, I think that when you want to enjoy or meet another country you just have to relax and have fun with someone that is going with you or someone that you will meet there not to spend all your money in parties and that stuff.

  2. I think that I wrote a good story in this post, but I didn´t followed all the guidelines completely. I tried to describe a true story. It happened when I was very young, the type of normal stories that take place when you made your first trip to a foreign country. As well as the factors that such a story would have taken. I also applied some of the words related with traveling. I completed the entire story with elements and recommendation my classmates made last time. I think the score of this assignment should be 8.5.

  3. I'd actually say a 9, especially since you took your classmates' corrections into consideration. Good story!
